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Have you ever heard of hypnosis? I'm sure you have, but do you know what it is? No, it isn't the pendulum swinging antics we say in the old Tom and Jerry cartoons, it's much more complicated than that. How can you benefit from hypnosis? Maybe you want to become a world class hypnotist like Igor Ledochowski? Is hypnosis anything more than a fascinating experience? If these are the things going through your mind right now then this is the perfect article for you. 



First of all, what is hypnosis? The answer is quite simple really. Hypnosis is a technique through which you can improve a person's well being & functioning so that they feel better not only mentally but physically as well. The biggest problem with hypnosis is that people are skeptical about its power and are worried that it will be used against them and that they will lose all control of themselves. You don't have to worry about such things though as they only happen in movies. Real life hypnosis is quite different. A professional hypnotist, like Igor Ledochowski hypnosis head, can never make you behave in a way which is against your own social or moral values or your pattern of behavior. Unless you want to be influenced in a negative way, it is impossible for a hypnotist to manipulate you.


It is very important for you to understand that even if you're in a trance, you will still be conscious and have full control of yourself. The hypnotist will only be able to make you act as per your conscious or subconscious. You can break free from the trance at any time.


Even if a hypnotist leaves you in a trance, you will eventually return to your regular state or enter a natural sleep from which you will away with a lot of energy and fresh as a daisy. Hypnosis has been practiced for quite a while now and I can't recall a single instance where a person has remained in a trance for an extended period of time.


And now that you are certain hypnosis can cause you no harm, let me now list out a few of the many benefits you can derive from it:


1. Hypnosis can be used to help you create a sense of well being.


2. It can be used to help you reduce your anxiety and stress.


3. It can also be used to reduce the pain which is usually associated with surgical procedures or diseases.


4. Hypnosis can also be used to cure many psychosomatic diseases.


5. You can use it to control various physical functions like sweating, bleeding and heart rate.


6. It can be used to increase mental ability including confidence, memory, concentration and learning capacity.


7. It is an excellent method for ridding yourself of various phobias and other unhealthy habits.

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